You are one of the few people on these boards that has even mentioned Speedy's. Lots of teenagers hung out there in the 60's. I recall one my older friends taking her boyfriend's car out and then driving it over one of the islands where a speaker had broken off - took lots of the guys to get the car off there, but the driver was pretty so they were happy to do it. One of the guys that hung out there had lost his license and one of his friends was driving him around. He got into the trunk of his car and, after asking if the driver had the other set of keys, shut the car door. The driver had said yes only kidding around, and the owner was locked in the trunk. He was eventually gotten out, but it took awhile and it was entertaining to watch. I think the non-licensed person was related to someone who owned Worcester Sand & Gravel, but I'm not sure. Didn't Worcester Sand & Gravel have a "bottomless" pond that we weren't supposed to swim in, but did?.
Speedy's had a "special" sauce onthe hamburgers and car hops. Gas could be gotten for $.25 per gallon on the other end of Shrewsbury street during the gas wars.
Barb (Siergie) Knox
Palm Springs, Ca