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Yearbook Searches / Class of 1980 Dorherty high
« Last post by MLemerise on July 16, 2014, 04:35:47 PM »

  I found a class ring from 1980. It might be a women's.  If you lost yours email me with the initials engraved I would love to give it back to you..
Information Wanted / ASAP thru end of Sept - Furnished Rental
« Last post by emilymaewiggs on July 09, 2014, 08:56:10 AM »
Hi all - I'm trying to find a 2 bedroom rental in the Worcester (or Shrewsbury) area for some people who are in town shooting a movie.  If you know of anyone away at the cape for the summer who would like to make some rent money or any available furnished rentals, please let me know.

Not ruling out a great unfurnished rental, as we can furnish it for the short period of time.

Anyway, we're looking to move in ASAP and will be here through the end of September.

Thank you for your help!!
Information Wanted / Re: M.J. Whittall Associates, Inc.
« Last post by Lpracht on June 08, 2014, 03:52:00 AM »

I have recently inherited a 9 x 12 Whitall rug.  The pattern number is 391 – I've not seen any others mentioned anywhere with the pattern number 391.  The color is #3 and the register number is 227754.  Might anyone be able to offer me an idea as to the value of this rug?
Worcester Chit Chat / Re: Lincoln Square Boys Club
« Last post by jim28518 on June 04, 2014, 07:18:12 AM »
What once was the "Boys Club" became a City vocational school, it in turn closed. As of May 2014 I'm not sure of the buildings furure. Some talk of converting it to condo lofts, and other talk of WPI  and the Gateway Park master plan using the building.
Worcester Chit Chat / Re: Lincoln Square Boys Club
« Last post by Dan Granfors on May 13, 2014, 07:52:47 AM »
circa 1967-71, Mrs. White worked the admin office, & Mr. Martin the senior Room. Remember the damp smell in the foyer  when you entered the front door?
Looking For Former Worcester Residents / Re: Looking For my Dad ?
« Last post by HollyBerry on May 01, 2014, 06:19:26 PM »
Given Name: Benjamin 
 Middle Name: 
 Surname: Villaran 
 Name Suffix: 
 Birth Date: 31 May 1927 
 State: Virgin islands/puerto rico 
 Last Place of Residence: Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts 
 Previous Residence Postal Code: 01609 
 Event Date: 5 April 2004 
 Age: 77 

Zaida ;)
I remember Saint Anne's Orphanage.  My now late mother use to cut their hair up there and as a child I would go along with her and play with the kids.  It had a huge wooden railing we would slide down when the nuns were not looking :-)
Worcester Chit Chat / Re: pool hall
« Last post by deacon on April 12, 2014, 04:47:27 PM »
willy have you seen jacky sweeney lately,,i think hes gone from beaconsfield
Worcester Chit Chat / Re: Museum memories
« Last post by deacon on April 12, 2014, 04:41:22 PM »
i was sad to here the toilet museum closed,,but its just down the road in watertown so its still accessable
Worcester Chit Chat / Re: stamp and coin store
« Last post by deacon on April 12, 2014, 04:23:52 PM »
ya i kinda remember that place,,you know the name of that bar that was on the corner of murray and chandler on the white tower side of chandler but on the corner of murray ,,i see its been torn down
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