Author Topic: old friends in worcester mass  (Read 39814 times)


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old friends in worcester mass
« on: April 26, 2006, 07:21:32 AM »
Looking for a guy named Gary Sargent with Rebel as his nickname.  This is vickie.  Last talked to him in 1974.  Worked at a place called Peakload which was a employment office that they went to daily to see if they could find work.  He lived in an rooming house up over a place called the greek cafe which was like a coffe shop.. There was a big glass building near there that was a bank i believe.  Everbody knew him.  Everybody called him rebel.  He was like a guardian angel to me.  If anyone has any info on him or the names of the streets where these busineeses are located please tell me..  Thanks a bunch and god bless. He kind of looked like Dog on dog the bounty hunter.


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 01:31:14 PM »
  I grew up in Worcester in the Shrewsbury Street area. Played in a local band called the New Breed. We played the Comic Strip for years in the 60's. I can rememeber all the great times at the Lincoln Square Club. Presently, live and work in Fort Lauderdale. Hello to all.



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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2006, 06:10:51 AM »
That would make you Frankie Savastano, right? I still see Matt Gentile often. If I told you he looks EXACTLY the same 40 years later, would you be surprised? Paul Zecco sadly is no longer with us and Lee Vachon pops up rarely. Paul "Fender" Larange is doing very well and until recently was running the music department at Notre Dame Academy.


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 09:40:54 AM »
Hi Jim,

Cant tell who you are but yoiu have my name right!  I am living in Fort Lauderdale and did see Mat when I first moved here (15 yeards ago) I knew about Zec and sucked. Glad to hear that Feneder is doing well and Lee?
Would sure like to hear from you and I must know you--Its just been a long time.



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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2006, 06:04:13 AM »
 Hi Frankie, this is Matt G's son Jeff. I remember meeting you down in Florida many, many years ago. I don't remember it being in Ft. Lauderdale though.
 I just came across this board for the first time this morning. I'll pass the info on to my father, I'm sure he'd love to talk.
 He still got his guitar string package signed by either Jimmy Page, or Jeff Beck. It escapes me right now, but still too cool.
 Yes he's still got his Mosrite Ventures model bass  ;D


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2006, 06:02:45 AM »
Hey Frank...long son just showed me this and it seems pretty good from what I see so far...Be good to talk again about what you've been up to and about the past adventures we've had... :o

Bummer about Zeck...Me and Fender were polbearers at the funeral  :'( We'd been jamming and playing with different people for the last couple of years . Played at Sir Morgans and the Palladium together and it was great to be back on stage together after all those years apart... ;D  Lee's in pretty rough shape... :( a hospice for the last few months . Tough gettin old...!  :-[ E-mail me anytime and we can catch up... ;)


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 02:27:33 AM »
Hey Mat,

So Good to hear from you and that all is well. I e- mailed you its( Frankie0216) keep a look out for it



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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2009, 11:19:03 AM »
Frankie, I bet you don't remember me. I am David Spahr. I sat in front of you in home room at North High. The room at the top of the stairs. You sat in the back seat. George Shattuck sat to my left and Deb Simoncini in front of me. I lived in the north end and really didn't know all that many people there. I was there just that year. Don't remember that much of it really. I was checking out old Worcester rock bands and ran into this by accident. What band did Jere Scola play drums for?

Rob Van

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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2011, 08:36:32 AM »
Just joined site and not sure how to use it!  David Spahr, I've been thinking of finding you for a couple of years and even just this week.  I queried Jere Scola and saw your name. Jere Scola sent me a resume in the 90's as I was leaving the executive recruiting industry. I didn't recognize him till years later. Anyway, Jere was a friend when you and I were at Forest Grove.  I don't recall if he even went there but he used to pal around with Schuh and I think Jimmy( no the other )Kelleher, was it Kevin? Jere had a band that year and played at battle of the bands at the memorial auditorium. They did a so-so set and they had one more song and I screamed out "PLAY WIPE-OUT" and they did.  Jere was NOT the drummer, he sang and played guitar.  The drummer was an Italian kid named Paul? Anyway, they brought down the house and won the contest and the drummer won best musician. I have more to tell you but not sure if this will get to you.


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 12:05:06 PM »
Hey Rob , the band you're talking about were The Fugitives , me and Jere went to North High together . I played bass , Jere and Lee Vachon played guitars and Paul Zecco played drums . Jere left the band and the rest of us got together with Frank Savastano and formed The New Breed around 1965 I think . Thanks for bringing up some good memories .


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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2011, 03:00:31 AM »
I sure remember the Comic Strip! Mostly with the Boys from New York City. And the New Breed.

(MAIDEN NAME Carolynn D.) was Towle

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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2011, 10:22:11 AM »
if this is the same Rebel i knew he was a guardian angel to a few from down south and came up with his brother alvin ..lived in the cambridge street area for awhile and was a cb'er...went by the name rebel there also and his brother was called nuts n bolts.  Rebel looked tall due to the biker boots and the heels on them and dressed like a biker ..had blond hair and thin...exact opposite of what his brother looked like ...ive no clue what happened to him if this is the same person...i remember helping him to find his wife who pulled a cute one on him and made it looked like something happened and she mysteriously disappeared ...which she didnt ..just wanted it to look that way to drive him crazy.

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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2012, 11:19:19 AM »
Is that Jimmy Barbone that posted here last year?  This is Leanna..ex of Michael Iagallo.
who was the drummer after Zecco.

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Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2018, 08:57:27 AM »
Jimmy Barbone--from The NEW Breed who then became Alcock..sadly died last year.   He started the thread on the band and he emailed me and he and his wife and I reconnected. He left behind his wife Dottie and two sons.

   Leanna Dole ex of Mike Iagallo