Would really like to get in touch with an old friend of mine from years ago. Her name at the time I lived in Worcester was Lisa Grudoff. She lived on Millbury St., later
moved to Massasoit Rd. I knew her growing up. We were neighbors living just up from the street from one another. When she lived on Millbury St., I lived on Perry Ave.
We both went to the same schools, even though we were several years apart; Prov. Jr. High & Doherty HS. Her mothers name was Claire and she had a younger brother named Robby. After I graduated from Doherty, I moved to California and we lost track of each other. I'm pretty sure that she got married and Grudoff may
or may not be her current last name. Would really love to get in touch with her and catch up. If anyone has any contact info for her, please E-Mail me
bowzmann@aim.com Thanks for your help!!