Author Topic: DHS Class or 1998 reunion  (Read 8694 times)


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DHS Class or 1998 reunion
« on: September 06, 2008, 04:36:38 AM »
Hello Classmates,
     Your trusty Reunion committee members have been very busy putting together this event. It will be held on Friday November 28th and I can confidently say that it is not going to suck. Ciao Bella has been hired to cater the event and a DJ has been hired. In case you do not yet know, the reunion is going to be held at the Elks Club on Mill Street in Worcester. For those of you who may be traveling long distances (and can't stand the thought of staying with your parents or your parents can't stand the thought of you staying with them) we are working on getting a shuttle to and from the reu nion and a special rate for you at one of the local hotels. The best offer that we have received so far is from the Worcester City Motel. Worcester City has offered a free bag of the drug of your choice if you stay with them. As attractive as that offer may be for some of you, I hope that we will be able to negotiate a more attractive deal with one of the cleaner hotels in the city. All of this information will be included in the invitation that will be mailed to you in the next couple of weeks. If you have not emailed your mailing, address to someone involved the reunion planning please email it to Don’t forget to do this because tickets WILL NOT be sold at the door. All pro ceeds from the reunion are going to a scholarship fund, which you will generously be allowed to donate to if you are so inclined. The recipient of the scholarship will be a DHS student. We are hoping to make this an annual scholarship but this can only happen with your help. I am looking forward to seeing all of you (OK most of you). When you email your address, please let us know if you are planning on attending and if you plan to bring someone with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email them also. That’s all I have for now. Please forward this email to anyone that you are in contact with. If you have any questions pl ease feel free to contact me anytime.

Take Care,
TJ Boudreau