Author Topic: Lincoln Plaza Memories  (Read 69610 times)


  • Just Moved Here
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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2006, 10:49:22 AM »
One other item in Lincoln Plaza that I miss was an electronic clock of sorts that was on the backside of the plaza. As one drove up the long hill on 290 this digital clock was a welcome landmark when returning to Worcester from long trips.

john c

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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2006, 12:51:48 AM »
For some reason I remember putting baby elastic bands on my tounge when I was realy small for some type of speech problem and it was down behind RH Whites. Sams bakery was the best. I remember a great guy named LLoyd Swedburg who used to drive truck for them. I also remember the little amusement park/store there just before Zayres. I alos remeber an S & H green stamp store where I saved all my moms coupons from the back of some cigarette pack and with several hundred coupons recieved a lamp from all my hard work. I remember how disapointing that was with a shoebox full of counted coupons and only a stupid lamp to show for it. Kind of like todays Marlboro miles. Can we get any dumber? But the upside to this story is that when you lived in a crappy plce like Great Brood Valley as a child you could always walk to Lincoln plaza on a saturday morning to get out from your moms feet and spend a better part of the day wandering the palza from store to store. You won't find many parents allowing their children to do that today.


  • Just Moved Here
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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2007, 06:56:21 AM »
I am not that old , so my memories only go back so far, i remember, papa ginos, I remeber the movie theatre, I remember the bowling alley and also a supermarket I think Big D the opposite side of where stop and shop is now, i Also remember, The CVS and A fabric store of some sort and either a shore store, bakery and maybe a packy but im not sure of those it was a long time ago oh and those were all on the same side as the cvs. I also remember that big store and then Highland SUperstore opened ....

Oh wait to the right of those stores I do remeber BIg Boy resturaunt (Abdows I think) I also remeber zayres later ames.... and there was a hotel behind the lot i think, (think its still there) I mainly remeber the movies and the bowling, zayres and I remeber wher eteh bus stop was next to that big store near wher eteh GYm is now.... I remebe rteh bus had green seats , oh how funny and I remebe rteh cabs use to have huge back seats and the floor space between the driver and passengers was like miles apart , like you could fit ten people on the floor of the cab ....


  • Just Moved Here
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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2007, 07:12:16 AM »
I am not that old , so my memories only go back so far, i remember, papa Gino's, I remember the movie theatre, I remember the bowling alley and also a supermarket I think Big D the opposite side of where stop and shop is now, i Also remember, The CVS and A fabric store of some sort and either a shore store, bakery and maybe a packy but I'm not sure of those it was a long time ago oh and those were all on the same side as the cvs. I also remember that big store and then Highland Superstore opened ....

Oh wait to the right of those stores I do remember Big Boy restaurant (Abdows I think) I also remember zayres later Ames.... and there was a hotel behind the lot i think, (think its still there) I mainly remember the movies and the bowling, zayres and I remember where eteh bus stop was next to that big store near wher eteh Gym is now.... I remember rteh bus had green seats , oh how funny and I remember rteh cabs use to have huge back seats and the floor space between the driver and passengers was like miles apart , like you could fit ten people on the floor of the cab ....

Well those taxi's where called Checker" cabs and your right you could set up housekeeping in those back seats. I drove taxi for several years in Worcester in the mid 70's


  • Just Moved Here
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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2007, 09:37:32 AM »
I remember at one time there was a glidden paint store somewhere near the s@h green stamp store but I am not completely sure of the location except that it was on the east side

the other stores that I remember have been identified by others



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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2007, 03:20:23 PM »
There was a record store there, I remember my Dad spent a lot of time going thru the records looking for bargains.  This would have been back in the late 50's early 60's.  I don't remember the name, but I remember they played alot of Peter, Paul and Mary songs in the store.

Allie Bombz

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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2007, 01:56:39 AM »
there was a barber shop where I got my bowl cut, a shoe store nextdoor, where I got my Zips.... and a few doors down was  LB Wheaton camera .

Caldor was across Lincoln st.
Papa Ginos was the BEST EVER!


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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2007, 11:01:58 AM »
I think there used to be a Fashion Bug and a cleaners as well.  


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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2007, 05:28:14 AM »
Minnie Pearl Fried Chicken in 1968, later became Papa Gino's, next to Radio Shack.  Kennedy's, that sold dairy products I think, on the corner before Fanny Farmers was there.  There was a golf place on the back side of RH Whites at one time.  I remember a beauty parlor back there, too.  Might have been part of Whites.  Anyone remember the circus?  The theater was built there later.  


  • Just Moved Here
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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2007, 04:05:55 PM »
Minnie Pearl's, I had forgotten all about that.  Thanks for jogging my memory.  The present Lincoln Plaza has undergone a terrific transformation.  Nothing stays the same, but it's nice to see it thriving again.


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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2008, 02:25:43 AM »
Where was the Stop & Shop?

r k

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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2008, 11:05:38 AM »
You all forgot LAyfeyette Radio, 2-3 doors down from RH Whites....

Mary M

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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2008, 01:31:52 PM »
I didn't notice anyone mention Weintraubs Fabrics (I think it was called that). It was on the same side as Zayre's. It had sold sewing machines too. So-Fro fabrics was over on the side between Abdow's and the camera place on the end... reason I remember Weintraubs specifically is at ~11y/o in the early/mid 70's my sister and Mom just loved to sew... It was painful they'd take 4 hours in Weintraubs just look at fabric and Vogue patterns and then we' go over to So-Fro to see what they had for another hour or 2. I didn't notice Baskin Robbins mentioned either, they were in the 70/80's around the corner from Papa Gino's.


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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2008, 04:40:04 PM »
I seem to remember a Highland Superstore where RH Whites was.  It was an electronics store.


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Re: Lincoln Plaza Memories
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2008, 01:38:00 AM »
I worked at the little restaurant next to RH White's. It was called the Plaza Restaurant, and I worked there in the summer of 1974.